NOC Need to be attested.

Dear all,
if Residence permit cancelled,company providing NOC on company letter head with stamp & signature as per the computer ID card, these noc letter need to be attested by ministry of commerece or ministry of interior.
Please let me know my company pro is telling no need some body is telling needed.
Urgently and correct reply needed, your answer is linked to some one future.
This inquiry helps me a lot...thanks for replying amulu2009. My RP will also be cancelled but I have NOC with me. Printed in letter head, stamped, and signed by the sponsor (appearing in computer card). So, all of these were valid. Thank you.
I am working as a PRO since 3 year here in Qatar.I am sure no need attestation or varifivation(مطابقة) on company NOC with signature same person who have athority in Computer Card.if you are on personnal visa (شغسي) attach sposcer ID copy instead of Company card.