No Exit Stamp on the passport of my 6 years daughter

My family came on visit to Doha on 14 April 2013 from Hyderabad India. My wife and 3 children. At Hyderabad Airport the immigration people forgot to put a departure stamp on my 6 years daughters passport. But the stamp is there on all the boarding passes. They don't know this and came to Doha. I noticed this and Immediately next day i.e., on 15th April I visited Indian Embassy and informed them and ask for the solution. They told me they don't have any access from the embassy. They advised me to keep the boarding pass and this is the only proof we have if authority did not done entry in there system also.
Please anyone advice me the solution for this.
I will be appreciate.
dear dilgeer he is not speeking on qatar immigration but about indian immigration. i think 99 percent there wont be a problem. pls go back when u are planned. and see if they stamp the entry. if they donot have a record there then they will ask u then show the boarding pass . other wise if they dont ask just get the entry stamp and go out .
thats all. the problem is when you go to show them all these then you have to answer for many questions and then you have to go behind these things many days. etc etc as india is like that.. so better keep quite when u return back. and wait in the que. when your turn reaches give the pp of all the people . see what they are doing if they are stamping and giving back leave it. if they ask you then only reply other wise its ok
do you activated metrash service in our mobile no?.. if she enter u will get messahe of entry transaction... this is enough.. if not do not worry.. stamp not reqd.. record of entry is will be in MOI system.. and she is child not serious...
pagol he.
Don't worry. These things happen lot of times. Just keep with you the copy of boarding pass with you. 99.99% chance is that they have done computer updation for her. If not during her return journey you just need to show them the copy of boarding pass.
What is the problem if u dont havr the stamp?