Need your comments pls....
Quick into here.. I have recently accepted the offer by one of the reputable bank based in Doha..which then the bank has proceded with the application for my visa.. my employment visa was successful which allow me to work with the Bank (under their sponsorship) sometime early Nov 2008...
.. however, I was at the same time being offered by another bank which also based in Doha.. and now pending their management's approval for them to issue the formal offer.. the role is very similar but more on my stated preference, credit analyst.. salary wise, seems attractive compared to the package offered by the earlier bank..
My question.. can they proceed with the application of my Visa though I have gotten the visa under the different sponsor? What's the implication under qatar Labour Law for someone having 2 visas? Is there any possibility that the earlier Bank might revoke my contract or the new Bank might not offering me after knowing me that having the job offer under different sponsor? Is it advisable if I may opt for the second offer despite accepting the offer & getting the visa under the 1st bank? What's the rule as spelt out in the Qatar Labour Law for someone with my problem??
would appreciate your inputs/ comments (if any).. Your response is much appreciated.. thanks & rgds..
Thanx Man.. do appreciate of your comments.. totally understand.. I may anticipate of the possibility of the 1st bank may ask me to join them as they need me urgently.. and i think its not fair for them as well since they have proceeded for the issuance of my visa.. and turn up not accepting the offer instead... despite that the second offer seems attractive than the 1st bank.. not really sure that the 1st bank may willing to co-operate.. thanx man.. do appreciate if you have something to share.. happy Ramadhan..
As far as I know you need to cancel your first visa and for that purpose you need a letter (a kind of NOC) from first bank. The first bank can tranfer your visa to someone else name if they can get a suitable person. There visa would not be wasted.
Only after cancelling the first visa you can get the new visa.
I think your second bank would have no concern as long as you can cancel your first visa.
This all can be complex, time taking and painful process (depending upon how cooperative first bank is). You can well imagine how cooperative the first bank can be considering the fact that you want to leave them after showing commitment. So my advise is to stick with your first bank.
I have done the same for Saudi and I was sucessful in getting the second visa but it was painful and very time consuming. The complete process took 4 months.