need some info...

i just got a new car n would like to know if i can get the windows filmed (only the rear will do..) do i need to get a special permit for tht or i can get it done with out any.
i want to get somthing light not too dark coz i travel frm doha to ras laffan every morn n afternoon when its to bright n its uncomfortable for ppl who are sitting towards the sun.
could anyone give me some info bout wht to do..
you CANNOT get very dark.
30% is the maximum tint allowed.
Yes you see those with super dark, but they're illegal and pay fines everytime they're caught.
thnx for the advice talha..
planin to get black very dark
dont install tints with reflecting ability (e.g silver and other such colors)
it will cost u another 300-500 riyals
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
i got my permit done yesterday. will be geting the tints today evenin
u can just buy black shades from any supermarket .. like Dasman or lulu and all u need is to stick it ..a nd u can remove them any time and they don't need permission for that ..
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
from 04:00 - 8:00 PM ...
thx a lot guys will be chkin it out in the even
its 20 riyals
i think till 10
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
i will chk it out today
wht time are they open till?
Guess that they will need your signature there, you can pay any of the guys there in front of Khalifa Traffic department something to finish this one, but it cost nothing but 25 Q.R and does not take that much of time. The guy will ask you for 25 or 30 Q.R also ... you can go in the afternoon and get the job done .. took from me 15 minutes to get the same permit for my father's car before ...
hi jst com to madinat khalifa traffic dept.
ask the lady at the counter to give an application for "Maghfe" (window tints) and go 2 the type writer out side the traffic dept. they will type it 4 five riyals and thn go bck to the same counter and give the application to the lady
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
my comp took care bout the car registration n stuff
so do i personnaly have to go to the traffic dept for dis or anyone can get it done for me
is there anyone who offers dis kind of service coz i work 5 days a week n frm morn 6 to even 3 excluding travel time so i dont think i can make it..
If you want to cover those or tent them, then you have to pay something like 20 or 25 to have the permission. Some of the guys in the car accessories shops would be glad to offer you their services and fix it even without the permit, but you would be in trouble later.
If an officer stop you and check your car registration and did not find the note of tent permit, you will pay 100 for each window as a fine. That was in the old system and I don't have an idea about the new one traffic law. So don't listen to anyone who will tell you, do it now and get the permit later ... Just to be in the safe side my friend :)
Best Regards
you need special permit as TCM said, otherwise you will have to pay QR 1500 fines during registration.
you need approval from traffic dept.
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