Legal Advice Please,
By fawzmaster •
I work for a Debt collection agency, they are abusing people, blackmailing, threatening and all the other illegal things, The manager forcing everyone to do this, when he told me I told him I cant do this, as a result we had big argument, now the manager is trying to cancel and send me back home, I have recordings on my phone, to prove this, they are using abusive language, threatening them all. Can the company actually cancel my visa and send for not abiding to this? please advice
how would i go about it, do i go to a law firm or the labour court???
they still have to give me atleast one month notice right? during that time i can screw them up big time before i go
No the company doesn't. Qatar labor law does offer protection to employees. BUT it takes time, money and determination. Most people don't have all 3 facets working for them.
Prudence demands that you offer your apology to your boss and look for an amicable departure from the company. Because the company has a full right to cancel your visa any time and without giving any reason.