Leavign the company before work permit

Hi All,
I came on a companies visa from abroad, now left the job only after three days of working as couldn't adjust myself in there, now I would like to know
1. DO I require the exit permit, as I haven't got RP.
2. Shall company has to give me the return ticket.
3. what would I need at the airport to show the authorities.
4. can I apply for another job by staying for a bit long.
I would like to know these asap is some Qatari experience guy can help.
termination of contract, then the employee has the right for the repatriation provision (meaning free ticket and whatever amount due to the employee). But if the employee initiated it, then many consequences like proportionate payment for the expenses incurred by the employer in getting the employee. My opinion.
I have never seen any Job contract written the way you are explaining Mr. qatarisun.
Usually, there is three month's probation period and during this period any party can come out of contract without any notice period.
if the company did not like the skills of the person, they can fire him without any notice and the same right can be exercised by the employee, whats wrong in it?
Regarding the ticket, if it was a commitment made by the employer then they should honor it.
well if your company agrees to repatriate you immediately you are gonna be lucky. Else you gotta pay from your pocket for all the expenses before they allow you to board the flight back home :)
the way I understand it, the OP was "transferred" here from another country's company visa.
Will it be the same scenario as you commented?
ALSO company brought you here, and ALSO they have to give return ticket?? I wouldn't let you go until your salary can cover your ticket plus all other expenses incurred with regards to your employment. then you can go empty-handed. It's not a joke. This is an agreement between two parties. and if one of them (YOU in this case) breaks its obligations, some penalries should be applied. and if you cannot "adjust" to this company what make you thinking that you can adjust to anothe company? some people aren't adjustable.
Like due to THESE cases we will never get rid of "Sponsorship" system. people aren't responsible. They grab anything just to come here, and then they "realize" they cannot "adjust", and the same time are looking for 500 riyal a month more... pathetic..
you will need an exit permit.....
where did you get your visa in coming here? I mean, what kind of visa are you holding right now?