Labor Ministry Feedback on Work Permit (PAK)

My name is Shehzad and i am from Pakistan. Two months back on 11th November'10, i had had a telephonic interview with an employer in Doha,Qatar and subsequently, another one on 16th December'10.
Since the 2nd interview, i have followed up 3 times with the employer and i am getting the feedback that they are interested in recruiting me but before offering me the Job, they must know the possibility of getting visa for Pakistan nationals. That is what they have been checking with Ministry of labor and the process is still going on.
I just wanted to know, how long does it normally take to have the feedback from Ministry of Labor. It's been about a month, i have been waiting for the furtherance from that employer. Any advice that may help me?
It used to take sometimes, but with big organization it can be speedy process.. I am working in IT here, it was same situation as yours but my hiring manager told me not to resign the previous company till i got the visa.
Visa is alway an issue for pakistani's.. So better to wait for a while as situation around you even not that appealing. Do let me know through PM which company is hiring you.. Gud Luck
Pakistani and Indian Visas are pretty difficult to get unless they are big companies hiring you. Just wait it out and keep looking at other options as well, dont rely on this too much.
just wait patiently! the company will handle it!
it will take time but possible
we just had a Pakistani joined in the IT section but he had to wait 6 months to get his visa
also please note that in Qatar it seems they have quota allocated to each company for specific nationalities. so if this quota for Pakistani national visa is available with your employeer then there is no need to check with any ministry.
but if thy dont have quota for a Pakistani visa then there are certain options thy can work on but chnaces are not that bright
advice is that be patient and wait and have a smooth follow up with your employeer. this is normal in qatar and such thing can happen.
Dear Rashid,
Thanks for your quick response. No, that's not a multinational company but a Solution Provider in IT Industry.
Can you please advice what are the issues with new Pakistani Visas? I am just concerned if i am not wasting my time or moving in a wrong direction.
Dear Shehzad,
If you are being recruited by a Multinational company ( Petrochecmical or Telecom gaints ) i hope and wish that it would be available soon and you can join pakistani community in qatar but Yes there are issues with new pakistani Visas in Qatar.I wish you best of Luck for your upcoming assignments.