By naveen_ravindran •
My Dear friends I am working in the company as Store keeper. Last week from the store three laptop was missing. The Managment told me to pay the price of Laptop. My salary is only 1500 and I have no money to pay the amount. They telling me without paying the cost of the laptops they not allow me to go from Qatar. I am innocent in this case. What Can I do?? I have no money to pay ? Please help me?
Police will decide if you are innocent or not.
it is your mistake if you left the door open.
Don't pay
Don't pay if you are innocent. You can take up this issue with Labor or Police or human rights committee who upon proving your innocence may provide you the exit permit
Take your case to police ,tell them you are not involved in any fraud ,theft ,Then u can exit the job /country.
good luck
don't pay. (if it is not your fault)
ask for help in your embassy.
you dont need to pay as you know that u are innocent .. and if they are blocking to go out of the country, then you can simply go to labour court and complain ..
Prove to them that you are innocent....