i need visa assistance

By mantolight •
I am a new member of this network and i need assistance on were i can get a visit or tourist visa to qatar ?i dont know anyone in qatar, thou there may be some few friends there but i am not quite sure, i have a diploma in accounting and also information management but i dont plan to work there yet untill i see how the country looks like, i am a Nigerian,36 yrs of age.please were can i get the visa agents?.thank you
You mixed all together.. it’s not necessary to have a diploma in accounting for visit visa. So either you want to come for a visit, or you want to work here. If you want to come with a visit, I guess you can do it through the Hotel, not sure about your nationality though. If you want to work here, you have to look for a job on the internet or through agencies and come here on working visa. The idea of seeking a visit visa for the purpose of looking for a job here later is not welcomed at all, and called cheating qatari government.
Dear Friend,
You should have your blood relative in Doha who can sponser you visa easily on other hand you have to applay business visa for this contact Qatar embassy in your country.