I Need A Romanian Friends here in Doha or in Al-Khor
I have a Romanian lady Friend and i am really want her to come here in DOHA to work with a reputable company. what will i do first and next. Next thing is, i want to ask a favor if there are romanians here can help my lady friend to get any jobs. actually she is earning only 300riyals per month in romania restaurant. so i will give here help to earn more here in qatar. Any lady romanian her who will be willing to help me too
please send me reply in my accounts or in my email
[email protected]
Mario A. Pacana Jr
As Romanian, believe me that would be rather difficult to help with employment, as far as you know that here everything depends of the Sponsor or Employer and here in order to gain some money is a must to be skilled and experienced, to speak proper English etc.
As i understood, the young lady is working into a restaurant, so she is looking for a job as per her skills and experience in same field of activity, meaning maybe same type of job; I'm not aware of the salaries here for such job position, but I think they are not spectacular higher, if we take out the living costs.
I suggest the young lady to submit you her CV, to see her skills and experience (in Romania is happening that due to the non-employment people with work experience, high school graduation or even university degree not to find a job and accept some improper positions temporary) and with your help to try to apply to some position at job seekers sections.
Also forward her the Romanian group web address from QL herein and let her to contact directly the Romanian community here both with your efforts to help her in finding a proper job.
Good luck!