how much time is required to get job visa from compny and qatar govrmnent how much time take to issue job visa
By khanimrandurrani69 •
hy freinds i am from india i want to know about the status of job visa how i will track my visa if we dont have visa no, application no, or ny thing i dont , how i will trck my visa,,,, and guies if compony is applying for visa how much time it will take to issue the visa by qatar goverment,,, please give me the answer please
It all depends if your company have Indian visa approval in their hand then it takes only one to three days to get issued the visa . If they dont have Your Nationality visa ready then it takes longer time like several weeks and also depends if the authorities give approval or not .... Hope it is clear to you now . To check the status of your visa you cannot do anything if you dont have the application number , and the Id no of the authrised signatoury in the company ......
If you don't have any of them just keep contact with your future company. Nothing you can do just enjoy your present life before entering to desert country