How long time need to wait for famil RP visa application after labor contact attested

Dear QL
I am looking a help ,that I have six months bank statement where as my labor contact attested done from labor department only 3 (three )months before in a same company.same sponsor.
So my doubt is that may I apply for family residency visa or my labor contract should go six -months after attested .
So I mean am working in a same company during 7 months and my salary transfer to bank every month from the beginning but due to complete the procedure of RP my company took six-month where as I see my labor contract attested after my joining 4 months.
So at this time May I apply for family visa .
Also I am telling that my profession is SURVEYOR in my RP .
So please help me what is the thing I will do for family residency visa.
Here I would like to mentioned that the other documents I should prepare. #
Only this six -months bank statement is enough or I need to wait 6 months after getting my RP. for family visa application