How long can I stay after the contract expiry
My office maid is asking me for help regarding the following issue. Her contract will be expiry in March and she didnt want to work in the company anymore.
She intends to look for new job here in Qatar. Here are the questions.
1. After the contract, she must go back to her country immediately? How long can she stay here so she can find a new job?
2. My boss said she would not transfer the sponsor to anyone else. Is this allow? So, it mean my office maid cannot find a new job?
THank for the help.
If the employer won't give NOC then she cant start a new job or stay in country...
Either she convinces home or pack up her stuff back country
Thank everyone. I guess she would go back to her country. She would be out of hell in March and dont see the reason why she wants to come back to hell.
As for me, another 9 more months in hell. : (
1. If the sponsor doesn't want her, she must et out of the country immediately.
2. If he wouldn't transfer her, he wouldn't give an NOC, and she can't come back to the country in the next 2 years.
3. If the sponsor wants her to stay, they can renew the contract (it may include implicit renewal)
Your office maid can come even after cancelling visa, but only on visit visa, not any othar permanent job. once canceled work visa to get work visa need to wait 2 years.
For your office maid to work with a new employer, her current employer needs to agree and issue a No Objection certificate. If she can't get that from her current employer, then her visa will be cancelled, and she wouldn't be able to return to Doha within 2 years. News has it that this will be increased soon to 5 years.
so, current employer has to say yes first. find a job, transfer sponsorship.
otherwise go home or go to another country for work.
all the best to your friend.