How to get Residence Permit?

I'm new to Qatar, can you pls share with me:-
1. How long it takes to get a Qatar Residence Permit?
2. If I resigned from the Company and exiting Qatar, what do I do with the Residence Permit? Can I just buy an air ticket and board the flight while waiting for the RP to lapsed itself?
Thanks in advance :D
You are not qualified to talk about the situation here from other part of the world . If we do not have a TEABOY it simply means he loses his job and his family go hungry. Thoes you Nobel price holders may do that but we don't do that here in Qatar. If I get my A$$ up from my chair this poor fellow's family will be hungry. Why I want to do that Nah Nah Nah Nah.
I am in Qatar and do not want to know what is going on in Disneyland.
You better know your facts first before giving advise or guidence to the others.
The place where I work we don't have a teaboy. We have people who are Nobel Prize winners and they make their own tea. We have a machine called espresso. you might have heard about it. The place where I live you do everything yourself because to hire a maid or a tea boy I would probably end up paying more than what I am getting. He will be paid hourly whereas I get a fix income every month even if i put more hours of work.
Regarding "CONFACE" I told him his options, I did not advise him. I told him to send a resignation letter as well. Hope you red (read) the whole post.
I have never seen a tea boy in any of the companies here. Why did they invent espresso? Damn you
Here they say You want tea, coffee get your A$$ up from the chair and make it.
As per your post in which you mentioned that you have provided bread and butter to 50 people. So must have been to North America, U.K. how many offices there have tea boys.
Teach my advise to your TEABOY also.
You can leave like that and remember never to come back to middle east not even for a visit. If you think you can do that then go on a vacation and just don't come back.
But do remember to send them a fax wherever you are that you cannot come back as you have..... Dont write that you have no intentions of coming back just say that you are unable to come. I don't need to tell you the excuses. looks as if though you are better than me in coming up with some great lame excuses
Have a nic trip back come. Hope you remember Qatar
i want to know if i can take RP for my mom after she comes here on visit visa.she is 57.
I think sl has a point, coz definitely i'll go back to my home country one/twice a year...everytime i need to get a clearance from all the authorities?
IF no, I could have just pay off all my debts in Qatar, transfer all the money home and board a flight.
The reason I'm asking is I'm afraid I cant adapt to Qatar lifestyle and might resign after a few months, I dont want to land myself in a hot soup and all the red tape.
Can I just leave like that?? Pls help...
easiest and simple way is go on holiday. never comeback
I know that you cannot leave the country until you have the correct paperwork from the bank, library, CID and employer that you are leaving behind no crimes or debts. It is your employers job to do this, I don't know much about other things but have just helped a friend who was leaving. The RP takes about a month usually, following CID, fingerprints and medical. The new CID centre is excellent and the staff there were really nice when I went.