how can i get permanent visa for my wife

By smart yousufzai •
can anybody help me how can i get permanent visa for my wife i am working in a private company as an assistant accountant my current salary is Qr.3000/- my occupation mentioned in my Qatari ID is " MANDOOB MUBAYIAT "
actually i want to bring her here and she will also find a job which can enable us to accomodate all of our expenses with both of our salary
How will you be able to accomodate ur family with this salary. Try to call this person may be he can help u.
66537722.. He was the one who helped me to get my visa.
1st of all what is ur nationality u want ur wife permanent visa or or visit kindly send me all details i am having my own pro services company and i deal with thz cases conatct me via email plz [email protected]
u just bring her for visit forget about permanent cost of living in Qatar is also so high and u also going to change ur professional and too much difficult
Minimum salary required to bring wife is QR 10,000
3000 Qr. and u want permanent visa!!! noooooooot possible ure salary v less the min slaary is 10000 QR., and even if u bring her here how will u both live?