how to apply in qatar as a nurse.......

if anyone knows how to apply in qatar as a nurse please let me know. i am a registered nusre here in philippines currently practicing as an OR nurse in a tertiary hospital... please let me know.. thank you ver much...
please email me at [email protected]
how to get visa from Qatar? I am in Dubai right now.
you can contact me i can suggets to get visit visa of Dubai and Qatar
always with you
[email protected]
What is the procedure of getting Qatar Visit Visa if you are residence in Dubai? Because I want to visit my friend there just for week ends.
Universal Staffing
Boyle st. palanan
makati city, philippines
its better for u to be hire overseas rather than local hire here.
I'm only well known in the souq/fruits market NOT in QL:D
Hi! gigit...what is your field of specialization? (hospital or company)
u can submit ur resume to universal staffing, that's the agency where they recruit nurses for hamad hospital here. i think it's in not sure where exactly. u can just look for it in the directory. goodluck!
send pm to Apple a well known QL member she is nurse hope she might be of some help to you.
Thank you