Housemaid Agencies

Eager quite some time of searching, it seems our Prayers have been answered and we have found a housemaid.
However, I have a question to ask (for those who know the answer or who have been in similar situations).
The maid is on a 3 month probationary period with her current employers, via an agency. She no longer wishes to work for her current employers and wants to leave. As I understand it, because she is within her 3 month probation period, she can leave without hassle (she hopes) and she will be replaced, free of charge, by another maid.
She has been here for just over 2 months. Will she be able to be employed with another family as she has been here less than two years? (i.e. us) or will she be sent back home to the Philippines?
Thanks in advance
Ok, thank you. It helps to be forewarned and forearmed!
Thanks for the heads up QDCLover (I too am a love of that place ;-) ) - will keep my wits about me. It had crossed my mind, and I have seen the destruction caused by a maid's stories, but I can only keep my fingers crossed and hope that we have come across a truthful person.
Yes, they could.. The agency have no rights over her, unless the employer returns the maid to the ageny.. Even if the maid went to the agency both can't do anything if the employer wishes otherwise..
Ah the trustful maids, who can spin you a nice story. Willing to leave her current employer before even completing 3 months? Be careful
Thanks Seasons, that's really helpful.
We have only spoken to the maid, not the agency...yet. They'd have been shut today! Se wants to leave her current employer as they are not paying her her contractual salary, instead they are paying her much less. She is frightened that if she leaves she won't be given her salary at all. What I was concerned about is the agency would have bought her over here to be employed...I don't know enough to know how it all works, but I'm guessing she would have had to have paid the Phillipino agency a fee for visas etc, to then be put in touch with an agency over here who would find her employment for her.
Does this mean she is then beholden to the agency? Clearly she already has a visa, so I see what you mean about leaving then coming back in and we can take over from there, however I don't know if there would be any penalty from the agency. If she is in the probationary period, does she have to have an NOC? If so, then that means that if her employers wanted to stuff things up for her by not releasing her, then they could?
If you are hiring her from the agency then the agency should or will take care of procedures.. Even if she is on a probationary period a NOC from the previous sponsor is still required.. If her visa, I mean RP is not yet stamped on her passport then she could just exit and re-enter on your visa in this case no NOC will be required.. Hope this helps.. As i said earlier if you are recuriting her from an agency in Qatar then they will process everything for you..