Hiring a maid directly from the Philipines

By gasiorowska •
Hi everybody. I'm hoping to hire the sister of a lady who I already know, to be my maid/nanny. I'm trying NOT to use an agency because they charge a fortune, and I'd rather spend it on making my maid comfortable with a tv, fridge etc in her room and a bonus after her 3 month probabtion.
Has anyone done this before? Is it even possible? Her and I have agreed terms over email and my husband has permission to hire, but where do I go next with this?
Your advice is appreciated :-)
ipagaling... what's wrong with needing a maid from the phil? are they only working for arab families? the point is if you can pay the same salary why not? and I have more confidence with maids from the phil as we are both filipinos and have the same culture...
i have the visa since 7 years but you know my helper need to take a break and be with her family too
did you apply for the visa yourself?? I had heard that it was hard getting filipina visa??
charlpunt are you sure,i have filipina visa but are you sure i only need her passport to the embassy
syria man most woman can work and breast feed we have something called pump were we can save our milkjust for the meal the baby might need when omis away,and the helper is to help clean the house fix thing hang cloths wash it and maybe watch kids if mother is taking a shower or taking the other child to the doctor i am not saying the helper should be cooing she can help cut onion or prepare things but the wife is the one to cook,the man is not even willing to watch the kids when the woman needs to take a shower or even wants to go to the beauty saln so that she can fix herself to her husband you know arab man demand too much but do not help a lot except with money,so give your future wife a break if the man wants to cheat he will cheat even with his secretary or coemployee no need to have a helper to cheat with if he is a cheater he will do it anyway
syria man most woman can work and breast feed we have something called pump were we can save our milkjust for the meal the baby might need when omis away,and the helper is to help clean the house fix thing hang cloths wash it and maybe watch kids if mother is taking a shower or taking the other child to the doctor i am not saying the helper should be cooing she can help cut onion or prepare things but the wife is the one to cook,the man is not even willing to watch the kids when the woman needs to take a shower or even wants to go to the beauty saln so that she can fix herself to her husband you know arab man demand too much but do not help a lot except with money,so give your future wife a break if the man wants to cheat he will cheat even with his secretary or coemployee no need to have a helper to cheat with if he is a cheater he will do it anyway
just make it more cloudy!
breastfeed or feedbreast : the dynamic action or motion the milk from the safe saver to the infants or husband son or daughter same dont worry i dont support racial conflictssingle because i was talking about something didnt experinced yet
You have to go to immigration with a copy of her passport to apply for her visa. after her visa is through, you can mail her the visa and from her side she would need to get some paper work done. but you will need to get approval for a philipino maid. i think that is done at the immigration too...
maybe you mean breastfeed? Bebe, you mean baby? Son? what about a daughter?Hmmm, and you are single?
maria you are arab lady , and you know we can understand each other easily .. wives open the door for husbands for cheating through maid gate .. and much of ladies just setting in her homes and has maids .. why why ?? i was not talking about working ladies .. for me i dont trust to eat any food from hands of others except my mother and my wife , also: i dont trust any body in the life to care of my bebe except his real mom , and also need my wife to feedbreast her son .. i dont trust cow milk .. my bebe will be cow in the future if his mom didnt feedbreast him .. by the way i am single , but this is my plan
maria you are arab lady , and you know we can understand each other easily .. wives open the door for husbands for cheating through maid gate .. and much of ladies just setting in her homes and has maids .. why why ?? i was not talking about working ladies .. for me i dont trust to eat any food from hands of others except my mother and my wife , also: i dont trust any body in the life to care of my bebe except his real mom , and also need my wife to feedbreast her son .. i dont trust cow milk .. my bebe will be cow in the future if his mom didnt feedbreast him .. by the way i am single , but this is my plan
silly tryke... your from phil., too!
your silly tryke... your from phil., too!
syriaman the wife if she works outside the house when she comes home she wants to spend time with her kids and her husband instead of being busy cleaning the house and washing and and and,and like this she can have more time to her husband and to serve him and entertain him so what do you think???
I can smell a male chauvinist here! He thinks wife/maid will do all house work and Mr. will not budge his lazy bum an inch....only eat eat eat and sleep! If service not satisfactory replace them.
I say such men should be replaced by wives....especially at night!
Come again syriaman? u must be sleepy while u were typing. ;)
You have to check with Philippines Embassy in Qatar. As far as I know housemaids have to come through agencies in Qatar.
instead of hiring maid , you can let your wife do that , if she refused , marry the maid to let your wife know that no body better than others ..
and some times maid beautiful more than the wife ...
so choose carefully ur maid , because maybe you will need her to exchange the duties in future ..
sad to tell to all of you..ithink hausmaid from Philippines was totally band ..due to mal practice and treat as bad to them ...!!!
me too.. i need a maid from the philippines...
i need the same information please