Hepatitis b positive and RP

I have a serious and urgent question. Need a serious and quick answer.
My brother pret test for hep b was positive. Hep B surf Ag positive and Antibody negative. He is not going to work for medical field, food industry or teaching..
I heard that in qatar they are very strict about hep b. Is it a case per case or is it a definitive no.
Is there any phone I can reach in health department to understand the rules???
Mille thanks.
kabayan, (rgbalisoro) i sent email to your yahoo account and it bounce back to inbox. any other email ad or how can i get in touch with you... i need to ask something. thanks
They only check for Hep B if your job falls under the Food & Health Category.
Accept the job.
God bless
Any updates to the case? I need updates.
Any updates to the case? I need updates.
If he is not working for food industry, teaching or medical profession, he will not be checked of hepatitis. Peeps, for those who are giving baseless opinions, then please refrain from doing so. I your opinions are not factual then, better keep your views to yourself because it misleads people in the forum.
No Visa. This is not even negotiable. Get it treated if it is treatable!
He wont be issued a resident permit in Qatar.
inquire from the med comm for clarifications... seems hell have a tough time..
He will go home