Getting A Release

By dennis_mendoza •
Hi. I hope you can help me.
I've been working in one company since June 2009. My visa will expires at August 2010. Lately, I noticed that the company is taking some interviews for which I have an idea that it will be for my replacement.
Im afraid to ask my boss I dont want to be schocked. And I dont want to go to my home country just like that.
Is there any possibility that the company can give me a release even if my one year will be completed this end of june 2010??
hope to hear your answeres because it really bothers me a lot. thank you.
"Modern Slavery" is practiced in beautiful Qatar. Didn't you know that?
June has already started so wait for ur BOSS to come to u to break the real news..
Our advices to you would give u a temporary relief from ur tension..right??? Just be calm and ready to face any harsh situation..This is what life is...
No one here can answer that, the one who decide is your boss. You will end up asking the boss, sooner or later.
Be nice, transparent, and realistic, then ask. Chances that you will get it, I hope.