Formalities to bringing parents to qatar?
Iam aged about 33 presently working in Doha for a pvt shipping co., for past 7 months i am from india,married but wife is not living with me. I would like to bring my parents to Doha my father is aged about 62 and my mother is about 51 i am under immigration required salary. Please advise me to bring my parents.
It is well known that it is difficult to keep a dependant who is above 60 years in Qatar, but then I have heard of private firms employing/own, persons who are above 60.
According to my knowledge ur wife can stay with u on Ur sponsorship and ur mom too, but as fas as ur Dad is concerned he can't stay with u more than one or two months, as his age is above 60 and in Qatar people above 60 yrs is not allowed to stay long.