Fine print for getting jobs on Spouse Visa?

Hello all!
This is my first post here, and while I'd prefer to have made a more chatty one, the issue I need addressing is rather urgent.
My husband and I may be making a move to Doha soon - he is at the moment considering a job offer from his old company (hence he is favourably inclined, but for the fact that neither of us know anything about living there!)
If this develops further, I am sure to come by here much more often, ask many more questions and be a general pain :)
So here's my question, which is, honestly, a bit of a deal-breaker for me - based on our initial homework on the internet, I am told that should I go to Qatar as his wife (which I honestly am! :)), I cannot work for a minimum of 5 months. Only then can I even start looking!
1. Is this true??? (Why?!) And if so, would it be smarter to go on say, a business Visa? Or would that lead to even more complications? We want to play it all very safe, straight and above-board, but I DO want to work!!!
2. How easy/difficult is it to find work in Doha? I have a media background - having been variously editor and producer, but I would of course be willing to be flexible on that count.
If anyone has any experience/suggestions/words of wisdom, would appreciate mucho!
Thanks a million!
Thanks, Qatarisun - the Business Visa suggestiold was just a thought. We prefer the straight way :)
The company told my husband that they'd arrange for my Visa, so that shouldn't be a problem. My only concern is my Residence Permit and work thereafter.
Thanks Vegas - that sounds encouraging. It would be difficult for me to play the 'expat wife' and sit at home and twiddle my thumbs :)
You can work.
My wife got her rp in days
By the way, make sure that your husband is eligible to sponsor you, i.e. has relevant Job designation, salary level, and "family status" visa.
1. Business visa is issued for the short-terms employees or Company's visitors, consultants, business partners, etc. If your husband's company issued a business visa for you, it is (a) a violation, (b) a complication, as you will need a Family visa anyway, and you will need to switch your visa status,etc.
2. Once your husband is here, he has to obtain his residence permit (RP) first, than he can sponsor you. RP process of your hubby might take between 1 week to 1 month, depends on the Company immigration specialists. Once he got his RP, company applies for your Family visa, then you can enter Qatar on the family visa and start process of your residence permit, which also may take from 1 week to 1 month. Once your RP is ready, you can go and work right away, no need to wait 5 months. the only thing, don't forget to obtain your Work Permit once you found a Job, otherwise your work will be illegal, and may result in penalties, up to the blacklisting yourself and the company.