Family visa a heartbreaking problem

I've read each forums, comments & opinions and found out mostly are Filipinos (Like me-kabayan). And it seems were all in the same bad situation & problems. Me and my husband are worried too, I gave birth last Feb 2012 and shes 11 months now & I took my 5 yrs old son from the Philippines so we can apply at the same time for their RP's last month we've got the result and it was rejected. We found out there is a new rule that the wife must be under husband's sponsorship. However, my husband's salary is only QR 6, 700 as engineer & Im earning QR 6, 000, we are working & sponsored by the same company for almost 1 1/2 yrs.
My questions are do you think Is it possible for me to transfer my sponsorship to him even he is below QR 10, 000 minimum requeirement for salary? Our son's visa is expired for about 10 days now & were are about to pay penalty of QR 200 per day for him & my 11 months old daughter is QR 10 per day after she reached 4 months, do you think it will affect all this penalties if we will try to apply again after I transfer my sponsorhip (in case it will be approved) to my husband?
I do hope they will not let the family be separated from each other & will review the rulues & regulations once again.
Need you advise & reliable answers, Thank you!
Thanks for the sympathy & understading, as a family man you know exactly what we are going through. I prayed & wish we are as lucky as your family (maybe i guess your both having a better salary than us or good company or simply your just both lucky & blessed to be approved).
We already submitted my husbands bank statement, house rental (attested by baladiya) as well as Karhamaa bill as it was all under my husbands name. We all do have the necessary documents & submitted to them but still rejected unfortunately. Thanks for the info.
We are really trying are very best to avoid the penalty and we do hope end it up very soon. Thank you for understanding our situation. We will definitely try to make an appointment with the concern authority to appeal & we do hope they will grant us.
Just follow the advise of 'Celineg'
If you are working in the same company, there is one solution i can suggest. Have an agreement with your HR that your salary will be credited to your husband's account, to make it 12,000. Labour Contract may show the original, but it can be allowance, etc. If they see the bank statement having more than 10,000 a month salary, then there is the possibility of approval.
If the above is not applicable, unfortunately there is no other option. MOI is doing a yearly check of the requirements prior to renewal. I knew of someone where they were requested by MOI to produce again the salary certificate and bank statements prior to renewal. You may get the approval now, but next year may be another problem.
Good luck.
appeal and they might consider yours. My wife is not under my sponsorship but my kids' visa (three of them) were approved.
Good luck and God bless
Please try to avoid paying penalty. I can understand your current situation.
Try to get an appointment to meet the concerned authority. We all will pray for your family. Also check with your company (Self, Also your Husband) if they can provide any support.
Thanks for the info, I will double check if there is appointment to committee regarding our rejected application. Pls include us in your prayer :)
Thanks for the advise & it is indeed appreaciated. I undrestand & got your point, how i wish it is easier said than done. Maybe we (me & my husband) learned our lesson but in a hard way by accepting the offer here in Qatar as we are both working before in Dubai, UAE thinking that the offer is a bit better than the promotion we are about to receive before we left our previous job. Yes you are right everything here is too expensive, plus the fact we need to send to school our 5 yrs old. Sorry but I cann't set aside my emotions when it comes the family matter (who wouldnt be, i guess). My mom is here and she was sponsored by owner of the company we work for, so she was the one taking care our my kids at home.
Thank you!
Thats all I have now "Faith in Him and my Loving Family " to cope up with this problem. we are still not giving up, we knew God is good and mercy. God bless you too!
We are all foreign workers and we need to abide the rules of goverment..As they say RULE is RULE, no exception at all. I understand your situation that you don't want to get seperated from your husband but the question is..How can you survide with the 12K+(both of you) salary everymonth??considering the expenses here in Qatar are very expensive including the schooling of the kids. If i were you, set aside your emotions first and be prepare to go back and let your husband work instead of facing all this dilemna...You have a new born baby and who will take care of him or her??? You cannot even employed a maid coz you are not qualified...Listen kabayan. don't let your kids suffer and let them enjoy their childhood in the Philippines... Good luck and wish you all the best...
most of "rejected" visa result as written in MOI website, they askd appointment for comittee interview & explain your setuation. most of them approved including mine, :)
Sense Mine,
I do appreaciate as well your sympathy & concern. Hoping to share a good news here in forum someday.
PRAYER can move mountains and With GOD all things are possible,Trust and have Faith in Him, He will make a Way...God Bless
How I wish our embassy can help & clear things out for us, however that is not the case. Sad to say they are all busy with the daily routine & tasks such as attestation of documents, new born passport application & renewal, etc.. But I do really appreaciate your comment & for your time to read my problem. Thank you!
I guess you are right, they are making things so complicated most especially for Asians (like me)but that's the reality of life "its not always fair". Im just happy for those family who are successfuly living and hoping someday it will happen to us too.
Your case really heartbreaking..i wish you can find concrete solution and advices from your embassy. Good luck.
Just Visit " Philippines Emassy" they give clear information... how to proceed they explain properly.. ok
It is difficult to give definite advice. Maybe yes, maybe no on being successful. They are making it tougher and tougher for Asians to bring their families. They want you to be single so that you are more likely to leave when your job finishes.