family member visiting

i was wondering if it's easy for my mom, who is 82 years old, to come into Doha to pay us a visit as a tourist?
other than paying the tourist entry visa at customs upon arrival, is there any other issue/s i should be aware of because of her age? will she encounter any problems?
is the standard visit time for tourists 30 days?
any feedback welcome
If your mom is a widow, then get an authenticated copy of the death certificate of your dad + the other docs
required by the Immigration. If not, both parents should
travel as required.
Go to the Immigration and make clarifications.
You should check with Airport authorities as her age could be a problem and not take chance as AL has suggested due to her old age.
i think just pay the entry visa at the airport shall do; if its for a short stay (1 month), dont bother to go to apply a visa
I don't want her to stay, she just wants to visit as a tourist to spend Christmas with us. Is it so difficult?
I tried for monther last year she was 71.. all my effort was vain..........anyway try your luck
I guess you are asking about the Visa on arrival as you are Australian. Its better to check with Airport immigration regarding the age for VIsa on Arrival. Family Visit Visa is difficult for 65+.
Tinker its not imposssible but very difficult, my MIL is 77. She came few months back.
did u try in Gharaffa immigration centre and approached general for his approval and if yes, what was the answer ??
it is not impossible to get visa for parents above 60, i got it last month, but you need to struggle.
Its difficult to get visa for parents aged above 60.
You can make a family visa visit . search the forum for similiar topics you will find help .