failed fingerprinting test advice?

I found out yesterday that I have now failed the fingerprinting part of my visa requirements for the second time and have to go back again in a week.
can anyone explain what is going on with the computer system and how exactly it can fail when those are my fingerprints?
the only advice has been to continue to put olive oil on my hands which I have been doing?
this all seems too ridiculous to be true - oh the joy of the middle east!!!
if anyone else can give any help and advice I would appreciate it, as would another colleague who also failed again!???
Can i know any alternative option fingerprint in qatar. For my wife i tried 3 times but not getting they took ink also not proper what will be the next option , she here in family visa , kindly advise
i had been doing part time job in doha ,my sponser caught me send me to shaniya camp , form there i had been deported to mycountry , well my visa is cancelled , and some ppl say u had been blacklisted , but during my deportation , they just keep me in shaniya camp for 10 days then send me to my country without any finger scan r eye scan , i spoke with my sponser he say no blacklist just ban for 2 years , so i want to confirm that i can go other country in gcc , tell any refer so that i can check that my passport is not blacklisted in qatar
awaiting for reply
replace your fingers.
We hv the same problem and made three attempts after applying Olive Oil and gel.Could someone help us with your advice? Is there any place or office to check for alternative?
i know a person failed 3 times and deported because the department find out that he already came here in qatar and come back with different name...
matched with a terrorist group and filed a case against you :D
Good luck try again, get rid of wrinkles.
may b mustard oil or coconut oil? Meet the 'MUDHEER' at d place if u fail next tyme also. He shud b able to give a solution
so what if u worked in finger print recognition security sytem
thaz news to me.. though olive oil made the skin smoother..didnt know it helped in defining the finger prints
hi.i am in qatar for 1 month now and i have tried fingerprinting test 5 times.all 5 times failed.i have wrinkels that is covering my finger print.the eople say apply olive oil.i'm appliying that for one month but no effect.guys give a solution to this.time is running out for me
Shellyjean - hope your fingers are in good shape, perhaps some hand calesthenics might be in order to ensure they're in tip top shape for the test!
If you are just coming for a visit, salahib - you don't have to go for fingerprinting unless you manage to get yourself arrested while you are here.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
I've just arrived for a visit, but no body asked me for that.... is it that scary? also is it must to do?
i'm for a visit visa this time, but expecting to come on a permanent visa next time. or sooner anyway.
That is funny. We have been getting medical and psychological tests all week in anticipation of our move. Now I hear that I could be in danger of failing a fingerprint test!
BTW, we passed the others. . .
No, no, it happened to me also! The man tried several times and got quite annoyed with me. He kept shaking my fingers and wrist and telling me to relax. It was kind of funny in retrospect, but only in retrospect. Failing a fingerprint test!
Maybe your fingers are unusual. Did you check them?
yeah, i agree, your case guys are unusual. please update us always.
I fully understand your frustrations.
are you sure their computers are all ok?
Well here's the update so far
I went with my colleague and we retook our fingerprint test for the 3rd time!
No-one would tell us if we had passed they simply replied "hallas" and "inshahla".
That was on Monday!
Guess we may find out eventually although it's getting really annoying not having id especially as you need it for most expat places!!!
I'm guessing that the lack of replies means that either no-one else has experienced this or there is very rarely anyone on her?
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