Exit from Qatar without cancel my RP...

By [email protected] •
Hi there,
I have a doubt regarding my visa status, i leave from Qatar before 1 month at vacation but i having good offer from UAE.But the problem is My Qatar Visa till valid Upto July 2014 and its not cancelled.. so can i go UAE without cancel my Qatar visa?..Any body help me and Suggestion..
Thanks Brother Mr.Fikhan1984 and Kas121282
Tell us good things about Dubai once you reach there ........... Kas & Fikan are 100 % right.
Yes u can go......There is no connection of Qatar Visa with any other Country visa.
You can join in U.A.E. Your Qatar Visa will no longer valid once you're out of Qatar for more than 6 months. And, you will not be able to enter Qatar for a period of 2 years or more.