Degree certificate
By northernmagpie •
I'm in Qatar on a business visa (once extended). My company's RPO is going for my RP. My girlfriend emailed over a scan of my degree certificate but I was told that this is not good enough, it needs to be 'attested'.
How does one go about doing this?
Who does this?
Where does one do this?
How much, etc.?
My girlfriend is in the UK.
Thanks in advance...
Vauxy - she's in the UK and so is my degree certificate. I'm in Doha. Does she send degree cert to Qatar Embassy London, get it back from them and then send subseqent attestation to me? Thanks mate.
DHL back to ur GF
send to qatar embassy london,£4.00 postal order for attest costs,include self add env to GF,once returned get gf to send to you in qatar,total time 14 days
i did it 3 weeks ago.
best of luck
well, that's how it worked 20 years ago.
Your Mandoob / PRO should be able to do it for you
simple give it to some authorized agencies.. they will do it in 3 days.. i think urogulf agencies can do it in 2 days
Getting educational certificates attested is a hell of a task,but it should be done nevertheless.
She needs to mail the original to you. You then take it to the emabassy to get it attested. (at least that's how it worked for me 20 years ago!)