Conditions for getting a NOC

Hello all. I am currently interviewing for a nanny. We found someone who we would like to employ, BUT she said that her current employer will only give her a NOC (no objection certificate) if she or I pay them 6000 Riyals??? She has worked for them for 4 years. Can I still employ her without the NOC?. I don't think its fair that they are asking for 6000 QAR......Any help/advise will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
your experience is illegal. You cannot employ someone who is not under your sponsorship without a legal permission from the authorities.
Well! I had most of my maid as free-lancers after I encountered sponsoring a maid that run off with the man she met in the street she hide for 6 months until the CID captured her and sent her to jail for 6 months before deportation. I spent a lot of money rescuing her from her previous employer because they want to deport her! Since then I never sponsor anyone!
I never had toubles with the free-lancers I hired! they have their own sponsor and I spoken to their sponsor and voila! No headache! Just sharing my experienced!
jjh, there is no such thing in qatar like free-lancer. you are violating the law and encourage other people (your "free-lancers") to violate the law... That's what must bring you a headache, not sponsoring them..
7000 should be amortized over 4 years..:)
To be honest, don't know what to suggest.. I wouldn’t go the way jjh is suggesting.... puting the ads in the grocery stores to get a nanny for your kids isn't the best way to hire a good companion for them..
6000 is a high price.. on the other hand if you go through the agency, it won't be much cheaper.. You just have to come to conclusion that having a nanny isn't cheap.. and pay the fee...
I put my adverts on every grocery store also here in Qatar Living and check adverts everywhere such as newspapers, grocery advertisement board and also here in QL! I never approach any agency as my friends used to get their maids from agencies and end up with lots of expenses but if there's anything goes wrong with the maids they are obligued to replaced them but it will be additional expenses for you. The easiest way for you to do is apply for a maid visa depending on the nationalities you prepared and when visa is approved, then you can start searcing for the right candidate locally who are looking for an employer who can give them visa. Otherwise, there are also free-lancers, who do not need sponsorship but of course you have to give them weekend day off as they are not under your sponsorship, you are less in control of the situation. I had phobia sponsoring maids as they tend to jump off the ship and get into trouble with CID. so in the end I just hire free-lancers! it may not be cheaper but less headache! ;)
I called and spoke to the sponsor. They paid 7000QAR for her 4 years ago. They want that money back!
why wouldn't you contact the sponsor and talk to him/her? Are you sure that the sponsor demans the money?
Thank you all for your comments and advice. Much appreciated!
JJH..........I am looking for a nanny/Housekeeper, full time, live in. Can you help? From you comments it looks like you know more than I do. Let me know if you can help then we can take things from there!
Exactly! they should not charge you any penny as she already worked with them for 4 years! If they send her home, you cannot hire her directly without an NOC she has to wait for another 3 years before she can enter Qatar again. In that sense, there's no way you can avoid paying the QR6,000. If you are going to hire from the agencies you will find out eventually that, you will spend more or less the same amount! If your instinct say she's worth it, then go for it! but if you find it too expensive, as I said there are lots of them looking for job who are already there, it will suit you according to your budget! ;)
Comments noted. I went by 1st impressions.......But if I go with reputed agents, the same thing can happen......AGREED??? So will have to go with instincts! Nothing is for sure......
She has been employed with her current sponsor for 4 years and the previous sponsor for 5 years all here in Doha and was in Kuwait before that. I definitely do not think that her current sponsor wasted their money... She spent an hour with us and played with my son. We were very happy with the way she spoke and conducted herself.
If she does not get her NOC then will she have to leave the country??
Is there any way in which I can avoid paying the 6000 QAR?
There are lots of maid looking for a job don't stick to the one you know! most sponsor are opportunist! if they see an opportunity they will demand, although they want to get rid of their maid they want to make money in the last minute! I release my maids at no cost! especially those who are troublesome! Worse comes to worst you will pay for that amount and the maid is a troublesome! so how can you get your expenses back? If they are good worker the employer will keep them and will not try to make money in order to release them! they only demand because they think they have waste a lot of money employing her!
Hi. I am South African......How will this exchange work? The person I want to employ will still need the NOC, ?? I want to avoid paying such a vast sum of money.... Please explain!
are you a sri lankan??? i have visa for sri lankan.. try to get a filipino visa then lets exchange.. give me a call 33237997..
I just spoke to a man who works as a PRO in immigration. He told me that it will cost me about 10 000 QAR for me to be the new sponsor. That amount will also include the 6000 QAR that I have to pay her current Sponsor.