CID Clearance for QP Admin Position

Hey all.
I signed an offer from QP for an Admin Assistant the last step is to get a CID Clearance.
They told me that i have to submit my resign from my current job and give it to CID before the clearance.
Isn't a risky step to submit my resign before i guaranty the new job,and what is the chance that CID approve the clearance??????
Note:I am currently working in a private company in Doha,but still under my husband sponsorship.
Any feedback will be much appreciated.
hi, what happend did you joined QP? kindly revert me back through sms 55207179 , i am in same situation now,
I don't believe CEID will ask you to submit resignation letter.
there are 2 scenarios:
1- an NOC from employer (if candidate is already employed)
2- a Resignation Letter (if candidate has already resigned).
so, if you are still working, do not submit resignatiosn, as CEID will not ask you for resignation letter if you are already employed with valid work visa.
my 2 cents
Just for you to know, I was suppose to transfer to another company as well which is semi government, I got my CID clearance without having to resign from my current job and the new company issued my offer letter after the CID clearance was received. Unfortunately, i decided not to transfer anymore.
Everybody sees how you seem, however, only a few know who you are.
Very risky, now some people who transfer and wait for CID approval while working in their new company only to be told that CID disapproved their transfer. i had an office mate who was working 5 months already and then CID dispproved his visa. He went home.
It is standard practice nowadays with companies to get CID clearance before hiring, I strongly recommend you ask QP to get the CID approval first and when they have it then you resign just to be safe. I don't think CID needs your resignation letter before they can approve or not.
Another office mate of mine under husband visa was able to transfer to a new company just by getting clearance from old company saying that she had turned over properly and that she has no accountabilities anymore in the old company.
Everybody sees how you seem, however, only a few know who you are.
If QP HR has told you this am sure there is some miss communications.
Now a day it is difficult to get CID clearance for Admin/ Secretary/ Finance positions due to Qatarizations specially for women on Father or Husband sponsorship.
QP HR will give you one letter in Arabic addressed to CID about your job offer. Simply submit the same with your ID copy and wait for the result.
IF the CID doesnt give clearance, than I will lose my current job ("I have to submit my resign before applying to CID")
What is the chance that CID will reject the clearance because of the Qatarization for the Admin Position in QP.
Thx all 4 ur answers
its upto you. If you want to take the risk, go ahead and jump. This is a standard procedure. IF the CID doesnt give clearance, then there's nothing much that can be done.
Why nervous about the CID clearance when you know you have a clean record in Qatar. Just go ahead and get the QP job.
Its QP u can trust and not any private co......
First time hearing it! good luck