Chest X-ray for RP

Hello everyone,
I went with a group of co-workers for my RP medical appointment last week and did both the blood test and the chest xray. All went fine and both tests were completed. However, while waiting for the stipulated 5 mins after the chest xray was completed, I was hurriedly called back for another chest xray. This time it was in different positions. On completion, I enquired if everything was ok but the only response was that it was finished and I can now proceed.
Within 3 business days, all of my colleagues had received their results and went for their finger printing today. However, I have not receive any notification since then. I am aware that they test for TB in the chest xray which I never had. The RTI I had was chronic bronchitis a few years back which was treated with anitibiotics.
I passed a medical by my current employer prior to my accepting the job offer in Qatar.
I am extremely worried as I have already resigned my job back home as was instructed by my current employer when my work visa was issued and I do not know of there are any problems. Can anyone kindly give me guidance?
Hello, I have a normal chest x ray and a 9-10 mm PPD skin test here in a GAMCA accredited clinic in Philippines. What do you think will be there decision? Will they issue me a fit to work certificate.
Hi Friends,
I'm Mayur working as an Electrician in Qatar. ..
Even I had same problem of a "Unfit Health " declared by Qatar Health council.. ...due to TB was detected in my Health examination. .....
I just want to ask you. .can I come back after Completing medical treatment with the Health Certificate...... Will the Qatari Health council will give me a chance for re-medical check & will they Approve if I'm fit... ..? ? ?
Hello everyone,
Medical commission sent me to Rumailah Hospital for check up.
I have done PPD, Blood test and 2 times sputum test.
Reading of PPD was 16 mm. Is it positive ?
Nobody is telling anything there. My PRO told me that he also don't know anything anout what is going on.
Now they have told me to come back on 18 October.
After 1 and half month ? why?
Will it take this much time to get the test results?
Please help me.
Please share if anyone knows about what is going there?
Dr. Said I have asthma.that mean I a asthma patient. other hand I got qater visa. now my question is that can I stay in qater. or will I fit for qater medical test. my all the test are normal. my x-ray, blood all the test is normal. after observe my symptoms Dr. said you have asthma. Now please some body inform me. what will I do. will I go there or after go there they will send me back. I don't have enough time to take the decision.
Please help me!!!!! Recntly month I do have mine Xray .doc told I am Unfit for the abroad ...
What should I do now..
Is't there any .medicine or idead so that i can be fit For QACC.
HOpe for quick and positive response
Hi Guys,
I went to the visa medical test on last Thursday 28th August but I didn't receive mail for fingerprint test from the company but my same batch staffs were received mail for so and so. just make me clear, why i have not yet receive mail for fingerprint. It means am i not fit.
Hi Guys,
I went to the visa medical test on last Thursday 28th August but I didn't receive mail for fingerprint test from the company but my same batch staffs were received mail for so and so. just make me clear, why i have not yet receive mail for fingerprint. It means am i not fit.
Dear here in GCC all countries same now i also suffered with same problem. I was in dubai 12 years with same problem i got a life ban on 2010. after the treatment i came back to qatar now , here also i got medical unfit with out any reason mentioned. its all depends with time and fate
Hello everyone.
Please I would like to seek for your advise. I got a job in Dubai last your in Sep 2013 and I was required to go for a medical as its a law in UAE for all expatriates. I went for my medical but after a week I was called to go back for a send medical as my chest x-ray contained an old TB scar which I had 16 years back. they took a blood sample and went for a sputum test for 3 day.After they told me to go back and see a doctor for my medical report, the doctor told me that my medical report was negative but due to the old TB scar they cant declare me fit and I was deported back to my country with a ban of 9 permanent which I dont know what it means till now. some people tell me that is a ban of 9 months and after that i will be free to go back to Dubai but some say that its a ban imposed by the immigration and its a life time ban. so am totally confused but my PRO told me that this is the UAE law so once your found with any TB old scar your deported because they assume that TB might relapse again with is not true bse my doctor told me that someone once diagnosed with TB and treated stands the same chances like someone who has never had it to get TB again so this is unfair. But my PRO advised me to try and look for a job in Qatar that the law there are different from that of UAE. so please members can I get a job in Qatar with my old TB scar which i had 16 years back?? PLEASE ADVISE ME BEFORE I MAKE MY MOVE TO QATAR. THANKS
i have also same problem in x ray in here pakistan but there no diseases only healed scar in my x ray but rest all tests are clear anybody can help me for that
hi!good for you. my wife is also in this situation now, but when we went to med com, she was not given anymore test and we are very worried of deportation. can the sponsor help to get referrals to further the test? she has only the scar and already went 6 month medication last 2007. Last X-ray was at home country and was cleared for any TB. What to do now?
my sister will leave here in qatar, but in her case she only take 2 times of medical 1st is the x-ray at d 2nd time for the PPD skin test then both are failed.
after that were waiting for the rumailah hospital treatment till then our mandoob always saying that our paper is in under to MC and till waiting for the treatment after a couple of month of waiting my our mandoob still saying for the response till our head office saying that the papers of my sister is under with the CID and any moment she will be exit here in qatar.
if there's any solution or other way to make my sister stay here or else do i know if she exit here how many months i waiting to get here again as family visit visa??
Good day to all.
I have just had my PPD test yesterday, and this morning I observed a very slight swelling. My next appointment with the clinic is in two days. But anticipating the worst, in case the finding is positive (but not active), would I be required to undergo a medication? If so, how long would it take? I am under a family residence visit visa which is not expiring anytime soon. Could I have my medication in Qatar or would I be immediately sent back home until I am able to obtain medical clearance?
Your response and assistance would be highly appreciated.
Hi All,
Please can any one advise with the list of medical tests that they check and their safe measures.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Members
i here in Qatar joined 20Apr2013.
first medical; 4 days after landing( finished medical check up with blood and one chest xray) failed.........
second medical:After 3 weeks( xray not clear, and took 5 shots)
Third medical : After 3 days( for ppd test)
4th medical ; After 2 days (for showing induration) it is 14 mm
Then they refer me to cd clinic, RUMAILLAH HOSPITAL 26may2013 only conducting investigation for TB
Please any body help me in this regard what will be next process I am in stressed from the date i come there will it be clear or not can any body help in this regard
Hi can anyone please please help me? Im am almost 2weeks already here in doha and im working in the office. A sales officer. Tomorrow is my third time to go back at the medical commission in here in doha. They will get i think my blood again, i dont know what is happening since our admin or even my boss is not telling me why i need to go back on the third time in medical commision. I am asking if i have serious disease but they cannot tell me until i will wait tomorrow. My hope is now vaniching and im really scared to be deported. Please help me, what can be the possible reason? ,y x ray is fine, the problem i think with my blood. And when i went onthe second time in medical commission, my papers is inside the folder which has tag "abnormal blood" please help me.
Thank you so much
Hi All,
I have the ppd test done.The size measured was 10mm.Any chance of survival pls advice.
To: kyledreyzeus
on 10/09/12 i came back to my home by the same reason. if you don't mind i want to see your unfit medical certificate. this is my email id [email protected]
if you give me ur email id i will send the same to u which i have got from medical commission. it is just a comparison for me.
Thanks & Regards
Sajan Johnson
Thanku peachpie_03
as u said i am trying for UAE. But these rules are quite difficult. i can't remove this scar by a surgery . within this time i have been applied in some companies and my resume get rejected . if i lie while applyiing, my profeesional network can simply findout why i came back from qatar.
this issue have changed my entire life . before going qatar 3 times i have completed medical for abroad and those were fit.
now i can't apply to my previous company in india.
Is there any BAN in Qatar if they sent u back home because of failed medical result. I have been finished my 6 months medication for TB. I am cured now for more than 1 year. Is there any chance for me to work in Qatar? Please advice. Thanks
i'll be leaving tommorrow, they did not even ask me to do other test or second test,the doctor say that i have no disease,no need to take medication,no other test needed because it is only a scar,but he said that GAMCA-GCC guidelines says that if you have a scar it is automatically unfit and will send you home..i ve done just the first test and no other test has done,they did not even look at my previous medical records,what kind of rules is that it is unhuman..i know that scarring has been a big issue here in Qatar but we cannot do anything about it,this is there country..
Farewell Qatar,Farewell Dreams...
@Sajan Johnson
You try UAE, I have 3 friends all from same company i am working with here in Dubai. They were residing and working here in Dubai for few years already until they were advised to be sent to Qatar for our new project. Same with your case, they have a little scar on the lungs only and they were sent home...After couple of months they one of them returned here in Dubai and his medical went smoothly without any hassle, no sputum/PPD test required, only chest x-ray and blood test after that he's clear and RP has been issued.
Just wait and have hope, maybe they are still working on it if they can ask the hospital to give you medication and/or other tests..Some people were advised to be treated by the hospital and after that another test will be performed..If the tests proves that you are a TB infected person, your company is liable and they should send you back home. They will surely notify you.Dont worry for now.You still have the chnce..Dont loose hope..Cheer up!☺
They give me an unfit certification from medical commission without knowing the reason...almost a month pass by now but still are PRO not telling me to do very confused now..Im just waiting for any instructions on our mandoob.I ask him and he did not even know the answer.just telling me that we have a problem with my medical and does not say anything about it..what should i do?
Hi Members
With lot of expectations and ambhitions i went to Qatar as SHIP TO SHORE CRANE OPERATOR.
Aim: New house, professional growth( landing aprl 7)
first medical; 5 days after landing( finished medical check up with blood and one chest xray) failed.........
second medical:After 2 weeks( xray not clear, and took 4 shots)
Third medical : After 10 days( for ppd test)
4th medical ; After 3 days (for showing induration) it is 11 mm
Then after 10 days continous medical: there at cd clinic, RUMAILLAH HOSPITAL only conducting investigation for TB ( blood and sputum 2 times)nearly 10 times up and down travel.
With this the EID holidays also effected it's time of getting result.
Finally: August 29 officially company had informed me that you are medically unfit and you have to depart within 10 days.
sep 10-2012 : i came back.( 5 months oh my god.... i feel it as a jail that i am getting punishment) After 4 months i really wish to go home because i don't know what the disease i have..
Consulted 4 doctors( general medicine and pulmonologist) in three hospitals and conducted all the tests.Also i have done High resolution CT SCAN (scan costs 5000 INR)
At last they found a very tiny mark in the lungs . That may happened in the past years.
note; This is the only thing that the Doctors found.
Funny matter is i have no past history of bronchitiS/TB/Pneumonea . Still i am free from infections.
They are asking hw we can give medicine for a person without any bacteria /infection/atleast symptoms
My experience: The only relaxation methode i found is "''''PRAYER UP TO YOU TIRED''''''''
Expecting very good suggestions for me to be done before the next attempt to GCC.........
Anyone waiting for RP only think about their GOD AND HIS WORDS......................
I can understand your worries. Same thing i have felt for the past 3 weeks while waiting for the result. According to some of my friends there, after the x-ray if there's a scar, they might send you for mantoux test, if its negative then its done.
Other says they also perform sputum test, if turns negative, then it's finish, you will obtain RP..Sometimes mantoux test/ PPD test, but even if the mantoux test have a reading of 6-15mm, they will require you only for medication. After the medication, another test. If your TB is negative then your next step is finger printing.
Have faith and your prayers will be heard Merissa..Keep holding on!..=)
are you already here in qatar merissa?
hi there!i had history of tb maybe 3 or 4 years ago but i am already cured.Infact when i had my ppd test the result was already negative but still i was referred to rumillah clinic for another test.How true is it that in qatar you must have a flawless lungs?I would really appreciate any information that you can share coz these process cause a lot of trouble and worries to me.Will it be a subject for deportation although i am already cured?many thanks to all of you and hoping for immediate response from anyone who knows the policy here.thanks!
i still did not yet go back to medcom,i go to al safa polyclinic to make some 2nd opinion,at first the doctor cant find anything on my xray he said its clear,then he ask me if i have any problems on my past years regarding my lungs i said yes,then he repeat the xray it takes him 30mins to find a little tiny scar.maybe on sunday i will go back to medcom.Hope i will be fine in shallah
@ Kyledreyzeus:
Based on my husband's experience, after the x-ray he went for mantoux test, that is after a month. His mantoux test resulted into negative that's why he passed the process and now ready for finger printing. His reaction to the mantoux/PPD test is 5mm.
Some people who has a larger induration has been required to have sputum test or another set of x-rays or even treatment.
Hi everyone!
I have received a call from my husband just now.Their PRO have informed him that he is clear from the TB test and can go for finger printing next week at CID. He passed the medical result after 4 X-rays and Mantoux/PPD Test (with 5mm induration - read as negative).
We're so happy about this, all my fears and anguish were gone.Thanks to all of you here...
Prayers heard!...Thank you Lord!☺
Is there redness/swelling or induration? what length is considerable to be negative? Any treatment or medication after?
Many thanks Natalia!
Yes i do mantoux test
Yes I am still alive. It is happen 7 years before
Hi Natalyu! Did you have the mantoux test or only check-up? what is the length of your induration?
Lincoln, yes 4x x-ray in one day. front, back, left and right. I am afraid also what will be the side effect if the x-ray will be performed again..
Four times X-ray in one day? Are you still alive?
It is happen with me in my second years when i do X-tray they did for me 4 time in same day X-tray and after they send me to TB clinic for check up . I have also problem with bronchitis, after the test result i got my renew visa.
Hi Kyledreyzeus! what happen to your medical result?
My husband still got no result up to now for his Mantoux test/PPD. I am bothered by this 5mm induration. Before he went to Qatar, he had his test at one of the big hospitals here in Dubai and tested negative/ no reaction. He supposed to receive the result yesterday since result was read last Thursday but still got no feedback from their PRO.
I strongly believe that God is with us and He will make a way to surpass this...☺
Thanks for the congrats everyone...I must say I was really stressed over this whole episode but glad that it has finally come to an end. I think I got an extra grey hair everyday that passed but I can smile that it's now over.
My case was slightly delayed as a result of holiday period. However, when the holidays wer finished the process started back with some pace thanks to the hard work of my company's immigration team.
After the initial sets of xrays, I was told that they still weren't clear and thats why they had to do a ppd test. I have a post nasal drip (PND) and apart from the brochitis I suffered in the past, I also have frequent chest congestions as a result of the PND, especially in the morning periods (after the night where everything builds up while asleep. I was xrayed at about 9am.
So I got the test administered, however, I had absolutely no reaction to the test ie. no swelling, redness...nothing after 72hrs. After the examination by the doctor, he wrote negative ppd on his form and I was told to come back in 3 days for the results where a decision will be made on the next steps.
My immigration department followed up and told me that everything was ok, I was declared medically fit and they arranged for my fingerprinting.
Kyledreyzeus, Peachpie_03 and any other who may face this hurdle....I really do hope that all goes well with you. Keep the faith and God's willing all will be in your favour.
Good to hear your RP is on process. Same problem with my husband here in Qatar, after 4 shots of x-ray, they informed him that it was not so clear so he was re-scheduled for Mantoux test after a month.Last Tuesday(11 Sept) he received his shot and went back this lunch time for checking. He was very worried because the reading was 5mm and the doctor said, wait for the result for 3 days(tuesday next week). I have checked in some web sites that less than 6mm is negative. The only thing that bothers me is the standard set by the Qatar Gov't which is considerable or acceptable to them. What was the length of your induration Trini? Since your RP is on process already they have considered it negative, in what length of induration is considerable?
Your response will be appreciated..
@ trinidoha, we have the same problem,when i go for medical, they xray me in diferent position,after a week (that is yesterday) the PRO received a message that i need to go back to medical commission,what steps have you've been into? Kindly give or pm the step by step they have done? Thanks
Hey Trini
They "medical scares" do happen to a few people in Qatar as well as in other GCC countries. I guess it is just a "different" way for making a person tensed in a already tension filled Visa processes done by the GCC countries.
Happy to know that yours went well. Cheers and Welcome to Qatar.
Hope you enjoy your stay here.
Cheer Mate
Finger printing finished and waiting for RP
what happen to you trinidoha?
have you got ur RP?
Thanks much stealth. I am aware that I need approval. However do you know the next steps as I am negative on ppd? Have I passed or do I still have more stuff to do?
You cannot go for fingerprint before approval is obtained.
After the EID holidays I was asked to report to the MC for a PPD test on 30th August. I did the test and the results were read on 2nd Sept as instructed. The reading was negative and I was told by the doctor to come back in 3 days for the results on 5th Sept. The nurse also told me to come back in 3 days but she added that a decision would be made on what they were going to do. Can anyone kindly indicate what would be the next steps? Can i go for finger printing now?
@ dohaprice...thanks much for the information. I will liaise with the immigration officer at my company before I proceed back to MC.
from the medical commission. if here is something in the xray, a referral paper is given, and that, you have to bring to HMC Communicable Disease center. they will further test you & confirm if the initial findings. the whole process (sputum test 3 times, PPD test, or additional x-rays & additional blood test) normally is completed in 1 week. some get to have a treatment & continue to be work (depending on the type of work you will have e.g. office, technical etc.), while others are sent home (e.g. food service, cab drivers, health professional).