Cancellation of visa required to apply for visa of any other GCC country?

Is it true that nowadays if you have to cancell the visa of one GCC country, only then you will get visa for another GCC of my friend is going back to india on vacation and he wants to go to dubai from there as he got a job offer from dubai. but his employer says that he must cancel his visa from qatar ,only then they can get his visa in dubai. Is it true?
Yes this is true. you can only hold a Visa in One GCC Country at the time.
Yes one will have to cancel his Resident Permit issued by a GCC country to apply for another GCC country RP untill and unless one does that he or she shall not be grated a visa by any other GCC country as its GCC Protocol
It's true. The new employer in Dubai will not be able to get a visa for someone who already holds a valid RP in any other GCC state.
So before you can legally live and work in Dubai, your sponsor must first cancel your current Qatari RP.
There's no way around it.
yeah its true, eventhough the laws are not strict on the individuals. but the company shall be fined if it is known that company had taken the visa even after an individuals another visa (GCC) is active.
but the company having operations in more than one GCC nation can take short work visas for their employees and show reason of multiple visas.
conclusion: you are not supposed to hold two valid visas of GCC countries.
Like mandi said you can not have two GCC RP at the same time.
Straight answer to you: yes you have to cancel you current RP in order to get a new one in another GCC country.
You cannot hold two GCC residency permits at one time.
I believe its not true. the employer might fears that if he has qatar visa he might go back there if he dont like the job environment.