Can Husband sponsor visas for his Two Wives

By [email protected] •
Yes, it is known fact that he is bringing double trouble with him. But it is his life.
let me know is it possible expatriates to sponsor visas in qatar for 2 wives
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No, it's not allowed.
I dont know the answer to your question but it reminded me this joke that a child at a Christian school was studying the early days of Mormonism in
his class. He wrote on his paper,
"The early Mormons believed in having more than one wife. This is called polygamy. But we believe in having only one wife. This is called monotony" .
Yes it is possible provided that you have to meet the requirements to get family visa.
No you can't it's Qatar Law that any other than Qatari national can have one wife with him in Qatar, means you can sponsor just one wife.
IF you are legally married to both of them (possible in India?) and if your sponsor agrees it may be possible.
Yes its possible!!
Good Luck