business visa

I am looking to apply for a job in Qatar and would like to know how to get a business visa there.
The job is fairly senior over there and are a very good match for it but I dont know if I would qualify for the visa.
Can anyone provide any advise or know what the requirments are for a business visa in Qatar?
Thanks in advance
try qualified companies online
Call 66537722 and he may be able to help you out
Sorry I dont think I gave enough information
I am Australian and I believe that the company will sponser me if I was successful for the job but i was wondering if there were a set of requirements like minimum qualifications required to get a visa or something like that???
I dont want to go through the process to get a job there just to find that I will not be successful in getting a visa...
you maybe talking of illegal things here!
my friend was from India. He is working in Saudi and looking for company willing to give him visa. for the position sales cordinator or any position in procurement.
I am from Philippines by the way.
what is your nationlty
Is there any easy way of having job here in qatar? Bcoz i have a friend from india but recently in Saudi wants to transfer here in qatar. He is on sales. Does any company sponsoring people or hiring people from the origin of workers to here . ?
are that a company should sponsor you to come to Qatar.
having a business visa in applying a job is very difficult. some companies dont hire a person having a business visa because person having a business visa are sponsored by company, that means that company is responsible for you. you did not come here for work but instead you come here for business.