Bringing a 3 months new born baby to Doha
By Chapstick7 •
I wanted to know the procedure for bringing a new born baby to doha.........both parents have existing and Valid RP.......However my baby is just over 3 months ..........Any paper work required and is there any chance of not getting a visa and Rp for my child considering the recent conditions and restrictions on family visa............i would appreciate any advice or guidance..........thanks guys........
It's better also to ask the airline management for that case...gud luk
New born is a baby in his/her first month after birth while baby who is over 3 months is called infant.Your baby is over 3 months so he/she is not new born any more:)
congrate for the new born.
i hope there are not much restrictions for new borns provided ur wife has a rp.
just apply for the visa for ur child, since the kid is above 3.
preform the medical test here once u reach, then apply for rp. as simple as a pie.
while travelling pls keep in hand the birth cert and travel doc.
good luk