being alone in Qatar rules/guidlines visa

Can a woman walk alone freely in Doha .. Will I be stopped for my credentials .. like passport/ marriage certificate..
If I have a marriage certificate from ANOTHER country .. what happens...
How late can one be alone ..Is it safe ..should I have my passport on me everytime when I am out.
Can I have a chat with anyone ..I tend to talk to strangers /locals mm they never give any bad word about their own place..Do they? So it's best to hear it from an outsider..
What are the places not to go as a lone woman... and are there any free for all..kind of ...that one can go and have a drink read a book /dinner /watch the sun go down .or busk in the sun.please give as much do's and don'ts .. Knowledge is essential/not power ..sorry is not an excuse ...
Quite agree with "decent clothing" and "stare" part of the post by New Life but someone has been sexually harassed is something I have learned for the first time in my 5 years in Qatar. Keep 999 with you if at all something like that happens. cops don't have much work to do here, they will be happy to find something to work on.
as with any country throughout the whole world be careful if you are a woman out alone. Qatar may be one of the safest countries around but please also keep your wits about you. Always wear decent clothing and respect Qatari custom. I saw a woman out yesterday with a low cut vest top bouncing around for all the world to see and she also sported a very fetching shoulder tattoo, she looked completely nasty and I am afraid to say it looked like she hailed from my neck of the woods, I was ashamed for her. RESPECT their religion, you are in THEIR country and cover up. People here are very friendly and open but there are lots of single males here and they will stare at you and it can make you feel uncomfortable sometimes. I have been sexually harrassed in Carrefour in the bedding aisle by some pervert and my friend also had her purse stolen from out of her bag in the trolley in the store. It it not an everyday occurance, but it can happen. If you are new here you are also prey to beng ripped off by taxi drivers, shops etc. Pretend you have been here for ever and they will not rip you off and drive you the long way round. Enjoy Qatar, I love it here but dont be lulled into a false sense of security, there are thieves and perverts wherever you go, but still
You can walk alone through the length and breadth of Qatar 24/7, round the clock if you wish. No one is going to bother you. Only time you need to be a little careful is when you are down by a few pegs and can't walk on a straight line.
Doha is a city that sleeps early. But don't they say "early to bed and early to rise makes a woman healthy, wealthy and wise"? :)
Unlike Saudi Arabia, you can chat and walk with strangers without inviting troubles.
No, you don't need to carry your marriage certificate with you all the time if you are on an employment visa, since you will be having your Qatar ID which will suffice. For visit and tourist visa, I am not sure.
Welcome to Qatar, Enjoy Qatar, Safe, Secure & Beautiful.
Qatar is a safe country for a select group of people. If you are one of these and survive the driving, you will be safe.
You'll be fine. Qatar is one of the safest countries in the world.