Ban ! SOS

dear All,
i have a strange question ...
i lived in Qatar for 13 years , and the company i used to work had been shutdown by Gov. so they forward us to CID to shift our sponsership but because i am holding the jordanian Nationalty, the app. had been suspended for more than 6 months so i left the country on May 3rd 09, hopping that my new company will apply for a new visa, but recently i heard that i had a ban from MOI dated 28-june-09 and i can't enter ,,, so folks my question is like this ,
can i enter using other visa ( like UAE resd. or Bahrain)
and how i can remove the ban ..
I need big help .. please
my money, my car, my house .. etc is blocked ..
MY Id No is deleted from system ..
any advices folks!!!
best regards
when you were here, did you not hear the rumour about Jordanian passport holders are not allowed to re-enter back in Qatar? Just check with your friends who are still in Qatar. You can stay as you want, but once you exit the country, Immigration & labour will not issue new Visa for you.
Yes come back on a visit visa and dispose your property off.
you will get a permanent visa only after 2 years. You can come to Qatar on a tourist visa or visit visa.
you can come back on a visit visa.