Is the application # for re-meeting with the Labour diff. from the 1st application#?
I want to check online the status of my interview with the labour department for sponsoring my daughter but i forgot to make a copy with the receipt they gave me before.. Is it the same application # with the first application # that was denied before? I've applied for sponsoring my daugher and it was denied. I've set another appointment or interview to know if i lack some documents and they gave me another receipt that time with the meeting date in there.. When i went to labour for the interview, I forgot to make a copy of that receipt and i dont have the application # to track the status of my application..
thanks you so much.. is it in moi or in mol where i've checked my first application before?
hello!! yes then u need to check for the status! well everydocument to do alwayz make a copy of it. it will b better for you..