Annual Vacation - need some help (pinoy)
By Bisdak sa Bin M... •
I'll be going home nxt two weeks (phils.) for my annual vacation, This is my first time and i need your advise on what important things to bring like documents etc...(you know immigration in the phils. is so freaky strict and full of crap) i dont want to have problems with them, so need your help guyz..
salamat kabayanz....
and for the pasalabong anu gusto ninyo? mamoy at SMB :-P
very easy...just bring pasalubong...
If your on a work visa:
1) Passport
2) Just your OEC (get it from POLO it will only take you 15-30 mins to have one)
3) Terminal Fee - 550 pesos (but they will increase to 750 I don't know when)
4) Pasalubong.
Since this is your 1st time to go vacation please take note of the following:
1. If you came on a visit or business visa then transfer to work visa, you must go to the Philippine Labor Office (POLO) located at Bin Omran.
2. You must bring the original and copy of your employment contract with stamp from the Qatar Labor department.
3. Bring your original passport.
4. Register your contract with POLO.
5. Pay the necessary dues.
6. Collect your Overseas Employment Certificate(OEC)
7. Your ready to go...
Enjoy your vacation and dont forget the pasalubong...