After expire of Resident perimit can i came back to Qatar ,with in how many days.

By vjagannadh •
I went India on vacation now my resident permit is going to expiring on 10/03/2009.But I needy to stay after this date in India due to some unavoidable circumstances. After expire of Resident permit shall I go back to Qatar. After expire date of resident permit is it possible to go back Qatar if go back within how many days shall I go back to Qatar.
If not go back to Qatar what formalities we have to fulfill to go back Qatar by Sponsor or from my end,Kindly reply me please.
Thanks & regards
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the Article (13) of the new law issued on 26-Feb-09 states that you can come back - after getting approval - within 60 days from the expiry of your resident permit..
your sponsor should get approval from the Airport immigration dept..
No, you cannot come back if the RP is expired until other than get a special permission from the sponsor to immigration department and they will issue a letter to Airport authority allowing you to enter into Qatar as a special saction. As you have 10 more days to decide it it better to enter and go. New laws is effective from 26 Feb 2009 but not change in this section.
The law has just changed effective immediately. It's all set out on the front page of the Gulf Times today.