affidavit of support

By cyndisgarcia •
hello there Qlings. just wanna know if an authenticated affidavit of support is really necessary since your visa entry (qatar) is bussiness visa? as far as i know, affidavit of support is only issue to those family visa holders? thank you.
to be corrupt, it won't stop! Maybe, at the end of the world!
sooner or later... there will be an end of this phil immigration officer's corruption... disgrace to Philippine Immigration..
"kabayan" will disprove your belief. He was on a business visa and complete documents, he just arrived last week. No bribes, nothing, because he possess a legitimate business visa and a legitimate purpose to come here.So stop spreading false rumors.
i strongly do agree! not just 15k-20k.. its 30k. i have a friend who offloaded twice holding this kind of visa, with complete documents ofcourse. no matter how many documents u have.. still they have their own "kalakaran"
+1 for poymaasin... you need to feed those fat a@$ crocodiles!
lol... i agree with you poymaasin.. :))
for business visa.... no need... you only need 15K-20K to CORRUPT PHILIPPINE IMMIGRATION ... thats all, Goodluck
when i came here back in 2007 with Business visa I have Affidavit of Support from my Sponsor. I'm not sure nowadays.