In spite of decades-long, intensive R&D on dye-sensitized solar cells, there are still numerous perspectives to be explored to further enhance their performance. Nearly countless sorts of alterations of dye molecules are possible, where steric groups can be injected to regulate recombination reactions. There is a call for perfect dye packing on the TiO2 surface to boost light absorption and to attain a better blocking effect. Co-sensitization extends great potentialities in this regard. Novel redox mediators and HTMs are pivotal to higher performing DSC as they can allow much higher output voltage than the conventional triiodide/iodide redox couple. High-performance DSC is of importance for many applications, varying from the energy source for consumer electronics to constructing integrated PV and large-scale power generation. The possibility of high transparency in the near-infrared region also unlocks for the application of DSC as a top cell in tandem solar cell devices. Follow the trends in Solar Products by paying us a visit at Solar is the future, so might as jump on the bandwagon early. Solar stocks are a big deal in 2020.