While I do not want to discourage you, please do not be very hopeful of finding a job here. I know of three Indian males living near my residence who came here on similar visas, searched jobs for several months, ran out of money and went back very disappointed. I also get to meet many people on the bus who ask me if my company had any job vacancies. They tell me they came with much hopes and those hopes are gradually fading away.
There are two important factors that outweigh qualifications and experience when selectors interview people for a job vacancy. First is the nationality and second is the religion. If these two match with that of the HR Manager, your chances of getting a job become much better.
Having said that, some nations are even split up even on this. For example, Keralites are reputed to appoint people o-n-l-y from Kerala and from no other part of India. Possibly they have this belief that other people in the world do not have a right to live. So when you are here, try approaching people from your own region. That may prove to be a good step forward in your job search.
While I do not want to discourage you, please do not be very hopeful of finding a job here. I know of three Indian males living near my residence who came here on similar visas, searched jobs for several months, ran out of money and went back very disappointed. I also get to meet many people on the bus who ask me if my company had any job vacancies. They tell me they came with much hopes and those hopes are gradually fading away.
There are two important factors that outweigh qualifications and experience when selectors interview people for a job vacancy. First is the nationality and second is the religion. If these two match with that of the HR Manager, your chances of getting a job become much better.
Having said that, some nations are even split up even on this. For example, Keralites are reputed to appoint people o-n-l-y from Kerala and from no other part of India. Possibly they have this belief that other people in the world do not have a right to live. So when you are here, try approaching people from your own region. That may prove to be a good step forward in your job search.