alsaquil: It makes me really wonder how crazy some people really are in this world.
In the subject line of your post you state "flower delivery worst experience" without bothering to write down your experience. But later down in your post you state something very contradictory to what you have stated in you subject line by saying "just a friendly reminder to harm intentions". You have advised to check the photos. I did just that and there appears nothing wrong to me in those photos. I checked the link also and found there was nothing wrong.
Suggest, you think with a calm and cool mind before you post at a website something which has little or no truth in it especially when it is meant to hurt somebody's business or a person in particular.
alsaquil: It makes me really wonder how crazy some people really are in this world.
In the subject line of your post you state "flower delivery worst experience" without bothering to write down your experience. But later down in your post you state something very contradictory to what you have stated in you subject line by saying "just a friendly reminder to harm intentions". You have advised to check the photos. I did just that and there appears nothing wrong to me in those photos. I checked the link also and found there was nothing wrong.
Suggest, you think with a calm and cool mind before you post at a website something which has little or no truth in it especially when it is meant to hurt somebody's business or a person in particular.