jaago: Criminals have no "amicable" way. They know they will be cheating in advance and their system is designed to be a winner always. It is also flaws in the law system that allows such crooks to play their games. Just take my case. When I took the cheating company to the Labour Court, I had stated in my complaint that the company did not give me a Contract. Rather than take the company to task, penalize it or place the Admin. Director in jail, the Labour Office people were telling me that my case does not stand as there is no Contract present. It sent a signal to me that possibly the Labour Office people have some form an understanding with such companies. I lost my money, and the Admin. Director Amjath who is the biggest crook in the world, laughed on my face.
jaago: Criminals have no "amicable" way. They know they will be cheating in advance and their system is designed to be a winner always. It is also flaws in the law system that allows such crooks to play their games. Just take my case. When I took the cheating company to the Labour Court, I had stated in my complaint that the company did not give me a Contract. Rather than take the company to task, penalize it or place the Admin. Director in jail, the Labour Office people were telling me that my case does not stand as there is no Contract present. It sent a signal to me that possibly the Labour Office people have some form an understanding with such companies. I lost my money, and the Admin. Director Amjath who is the biggest crook in the world, laughed on my face.