Thank you spatel1 for your appreciation.
Thank you pioneerpec for your very kind words.
I wish to add a bit of more information that slipped my mind while writing my earlier post and possibly this may also be helpful to the readers at QL.
I did go over to the Sharia Court as per the advice of the police department to file a case against this Sudanese crook. But there I just happened to meet a person from Somalia. I believe this person was God-sent. He was present there as he had filed a case against someone. He told me that it would take around 6 to 8 months for my case to get decided should I file one. He added that on each date set for the hearing I need to be present at the court whether the other party attends or not. Otherwise, the case will be dropped if I was absent on any date set for the hearing. This took me as a total surprise. No wonder the Sudanese crook enjoyed mocking me and laughing on my face! He knew how the ball moved. The Somali gentleman went on to advise me to try to find some middle route to solve the issue.
It was simply not possible for me to leave office and attend the hearing each time. Hiring a lawyer will add to the cost and then lawyers play their own games to make money. One lawyer present at the court who was looking for business, did approach me and "assured" he would get the verdict from the court latest by the second hearing. I did not swallow the "sweet talks" of the lawyer. It was then I took the assistance of my Sudani friend to get this matter resolved.