There is one Amjath from Chennai who deals in this sort of business. His telephone number is 4442 8888. He is available after 10:30 AM. If you are from Chennai, you may succeed in getting a visa from him. The last time I heard he had sold a Bangladeshi visa for QR 13000. You need to be careful in dealing with him though, as he is the best smiling crook in Qatar. He will treat you as he is the most friendly person on earth. But, he can cheat you out of your money.
By the way buying or selling such types of visas which is commonly known as "Free Visas" is illegal in Qatar.
There is one Amjath from Chennai who deals in this sort of business. His telephone number is 4442 8888. He is available after 10:30 AM. If you are from Chennai, you may succeed in getting a visa from him. The last time I heard he had sold a Bangladeshi visa for QR 13000. You need to be careful in dealing with him though, as he is the best smiling crook in Qatar. He will treat you as he is the most friendly person on earth. But, he can cheat you out of your money.
By the way buying or selling such types of visas which is commonly known as "Free Visas" is illegal in Qatar.