Molten: I don't misguide, tell lies in black and white, give false hoes and promises and "philosophical" advise to people which are downright stupid as you do. If I don't know, I don't comment. But in your case, you must post and be the first one to post every morning when you jump off your bed and before you even go to the toilet, as your sick mind makes you get pleasure in your seeing your name appearing at QL.
By the way, can to please "think" and "advise" people how any person could benefit by getting hold of someone else's passport number or his email address? Let's here from you even if it is one of your very common stupid views.
On a daily basis I receive many types of unwanted emails in my system from people I don't know or have sent my email address to. Can you tell me how they get my email address? Think, think and think (if you have the ability to do so), and let me know.