I think it is great what MEC is doing; the practice of selling illegal items is prevalent and as an added deterrent I would suggest that the owners be deported (if they are not Qatari ciitzens) along with their workers; and will if they are Qatari, they should have their businesses shut down for 6 months. I believe that with education about acceptable Business practices along with punishments, if they are not adhered to, this will reduce and prevent unsavoury business practices and safeguard consumers.
I think it is great what MEC is doing; the practice of selling illegal items is prevalent and as an added deterrent I would suggest that the owners be deported (if they are not Qatari ciitzens) along with their workers; and will if they are Qatari, they should have their businesses shut down for 6 months. I believe that with education about acceptable Business practices along with punishments, if they are not adhered to, this will reduce and prevent unsavoury business practices and safeguard consumers.