Wakra is a good area for staying and the place is comparatively cheaper rent-wise compared to other residential areas of Doha. It is a bit out of Doha and possibly that could be the reason for lower rents.
There are many Indian schools in Doha and some of them are in the Al Wakra vicinity. You need to Google to find out their locations. For information on their fees and other details, you will need to contact them directly as I have very little knowledge on this side, However, from what I get to read at QL, parents face issues in getting their children an admission in any school due to limited space available.
On the transport side, Doha has a lovely network of bus service. There is just one organization that operates this service and is known as "Karwa". The fare is usually around QR 2.50 from one end to the other, or for part of the journey. Fares are paid through "Smartcards" which need to be bought from the Karwa office and then topped up as and when required. Should you decide to take accommodation in Al Wakra and use the Karwa bus to come to work, you will first need to come to the bus station and then switch over to the bus that would take you to your work place. As per my judgement, travel time by bus service from Al Wakra to your place of work may be around 1 1/2 hours.
Wakra is a good area for staying and the place is comparatively cheaper rent-wise compared to other residential areas of Doha. It is a bit out of Doha and possibly that could be the reason for lower rents.
There are many Indian schools in Doha and some of them are in the Al Wakra vicinity. You need to Google to find out their locations. For information on their fees and other details, you will need to contact them directly as I have very little knowledge on this side, However, from what I get to read at QL, parents face issues in getting their children an admission in any school due to limited space available.
On the transport side, Doha has a lovely network of bus service. There is just one organization that operates this service and is known as "Karwa". The fare is usually around QR 2.50 from one end to the other, or for part of the journey. Fares are paid through "Smartcards" which need to be bought from the Karwa office and then topped up as and when required. Should you decide to take accommodation in Al Wakra and use the Karwa bus to come to work, you will first need to come to the bus station and then switch over to the bus that would take you to your work place. As per my judgement, travel time by bus service from Al Wakra to your place of work may be around 1 1/2 hours.