what a ridiculous remark : "mosques at every corner and a safe peaceful environment to practice our faith; the same can't be said for many of our brothers in non muslim or poor countries"
when u visit non Muslim countries? Highest number of people practice their faith peacefully in non Muslim countries. visit this : http://s3.india.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ramadan-2017.jpg
Mere 5 Mosque in Non Muslim country will cover QatarPopulation
And Forget every corner of Qatar, there is only one religious place for Non Muslim to practice their faith in Qatar
what a ridiculous remark : "mosques at every corner and a safe peaceful environment to practice our faith; the same can't be said for many of our brothers in non muslim or poor countries"
when u visit non Muslim countries?
Highest number of people practice their faith peacefully in non Muslim countries. visit this : http://s3.india.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ramadan-2017.jpg
Mere 5 Mosque in Non Muslim country will cover QatarPopulation
And Forget every corner of Qatar, there is only one religious place for Non Muslim to practice their faith in Qatar